
Douglas James Adams
Douglas James Adams
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Associate Professor
Kayla Allison
Kayla Allison
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Assistant Professor
Alexia Angton
Alexia Angton
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Assistant Professor
MAIN 225
Crystal Arredondo
Crystal Arredondo
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Adjunct Lecturer
Mindy Sue Bradley
Mindy Sue Bradley
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Director of Online Education
John M Brooks Jr.
John M Brooks Jr.
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Michael John Clanton
Michael John Clanton
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Christianne Corbett
Christianne Corbett
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Assistant Professor
Susan Duell
Susan Duell
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Adjunct Lecturer
Rodney L Engen
Rodney L Engen
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Associate Professor
Kevin M Fitzpatrick
Kevin M Fitzpatrick
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
University Professor & Jones Chair in Community
Melodie A Griffis
Melodie A Griffis
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
MAIN 211
Jeffrey A Gruenewald
Jeffrey A Gruenewald
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Director of the Terrorism Research Center
Shila Rene Hawk
Shila Rene Hawk
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Kimberly Hawkins
Kimberly Hawkins
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Adjunct Lecturer
Myranda Michelle Holloway
Myranda Michelle Holloway
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Adjunct Lecturer
Lori C Holyfield
Lori C Holyfield
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Min Ju Kim
Min Ju Kim
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminology
Reilly Kincaid
Reilly Kincaid
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Assistant Professor in Sociology and Criminology
Rodica Lisnic
Rodica Lisnic
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Teaching Assistant Professor
MAIN 221
Shauna Morimoto
Shauna Morimoto
(ARSC)-Arts & Sciences
Associate Dean
Professor of Sociology
Robert Mortenson
Robert Mortenson
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Jason Neeley
Jason Neeley
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Michael Nino
Michael Nino
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Vice Chair
Kathryn Norton-Smith
Kathryn Norton-Smith
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Assistant Professor
Rocio Paez Ritter
Rocio Paez Ritter
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Teaching Associate Professor
Mia Robert
Mia Robert
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Valerie E Robertson
Valerie E Robertson
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Lauren Copley Sabon
Lauren Copley Sabon
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Teaching Associate Professor
Maria Nicole Scaptura
Maria Nicole Scaptura
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Assistant Professor
MAIN 220
T Crowe Semler
T Crowe Semler
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Christopher A Shields
Christopher A Shields
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Teaching Associate Professor
Project Manager Terrorism Research Center in Fulbright College
MAIN 223
Shaun A Thomas
Shaun A Thomas
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Co-Director, Center for Social Research
David Williams
David Williams
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Steven Windisch
Steven Windisch
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Assistant Professor
Associate Director, Crime and Security Data Analytics Lab (CASDAL)
Song Yang
Song Yang
(SOCI)-Sociology and Criminology
Anna Zajicek
Anna Zajicek
(VCAC)-Vice Chancellor For Academic Affairs
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Professor of Sociology